Sunday, January 4, 2009

Walks P2

This time we did more walks.

In 2D we had to come up with a different walk to what we did last time. I elected to a sneaking walk.

Well, this walk is clearly not so much a sneak as a velociraptor impression. I think that the legs work well for a sneak, it's the upper body and use of the short arms that give it that raptor feel. the body leans back and forth at the wrong time and too dramatically to be even a comic sneak. I think that if the arms were more expressive and the body was just a little more rigid then it would work more successfully as a sneak.

In 3D we were actually creating a cycle this time. I chose a depressed walk for mine.

I'm fairly pleased with this, the animation feels smooth. However, I feel that because of the slightly off timing, it looks a little wooden at times, which reduces some of the lifelike quality. Parts like the head need to be less erratic in the upward lift and the feet need to feel more like they are touching the ground, there is not enough sense of weight. It's one that I think I should have spent a lot more time on, trying to get all the separate parts moving individually but working as a conglomerate.