Saturday, June 12, 2010

After the Rush Hour

Buh. Brain death noted.

So it is done, 2 thirds of the way through our course. Although we technically have a little bit of a wind down period before our official end of year now... But it's nice not to feel guilty about sleeping.

Negotiated uploaded on Thursday at about 10:50 I believe, that was another looong night. Sod the timeline that I said I would upload, you can just have a goosey gander at a few of the finished stills from the hand in piece.

I know the model is not fantastic and I did sort of have to rush it a bit at the end, but I would find it difficult not to be pleased with the amount that I have achieved and learned. I was an ambitious novice, and I feel as though I managed to deliver on my brief. Albeit that that the quality is not as high in particular areas as I was hoping – certainly it is not as adept a job as some of my contemporaries may be capable of - and there are some rudimentary mistakes which are disappointing to me, but I had to pay a time sacrifice somewhere. To have learned as much as I have is satisfying enough.

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